
Can I cancel my order before payment or after payment?

Can I cancel my order before payment or after payment?




If you have not paid yet, you do not worry about it, you can ignore it and it is unnecessary to cancel it. We will not handle your orders unless you make the payment. If you just want to do a test order, and you are welcome! You can also keep the order for your future reference.


We will keep the order for you for one week. When you want to do a payment after one week, you will have to place a new order. The amount of the order will be calculated by latest shipping fees and exchange rates.



If you have already paid for your order and want to cancel it, please contact us as soon as possible.


If the order is in an early processing stage you are able to change or cancel it, once we get your information, and we will stop processing it at once. We will refund you if you require.


If you want to change the products or add new products to the old order, you do not have to cancel it, please contact our service agent, we will handle it for you.


If your order have been sent out, you can not cancel or change your order.